Thursday 24 September 2015

Satan Is a Transsexual Too

Satan Is a Transsexual Too

Satan Is a Transsexual Too.

When the LGBT and those who support the gay agenda celebrate 'free love' and 'love wins,' THIS is what you are really supporting. This is what homosexuality REALLY looks like.
Because when you engage in, practice or support any element of the LGBT lifestyle, you're really supportingBaphomet.
Baphomet is simply another term or name for Lucifer...better known as the Serpent, Satan and the Devil.
Below is a depiction of Baphomet. You'll notice that he has female breasts.
This is because from ancient times until the present, Satan has always been depicted as being both male AND female, with BOTH genitalia (female breasts and a male penis).
Image 1: Baphomet (also known as Satan, Lucifer, Devil)
I was going through different images the other night for the new book I'm working on, when it suddenly dawned on me: THIS is why there is such an interest in transsexuals, homosexuals, lesbians and bisexuals in our society today.
Notice how Baphomet, aka Satan, appears to be BOTH genders: as evidenced by the female breasts?
Satan is depicted as bi-gender in 99% of the images you'll run across. Which officially makes the devil the very first transsexual in history!
Image 2: Baphomet (also known as Satan, Lucifer, Devil)
Now you see why the Bruce Jenner transformation was such a huge story. This world is run and literally controlled by devil worshipers. They control 90% or more of the media, music, movies, tv, news outlets and even some social media outlets.
The only agenda these flunkies of Satan promote is their own: which is really Satan's agenda. Hence why television seems so slanted when you watch it, and obviously promoting a pro-gay anti-God agenda.
Image 3: Bruce Jenner (man) now 'Caitlyn' (transexual)
And when you see LGBT being promoted and supported on a wide scale, these are just followers of Satan bringing their god out of hiding and into the light. Coming out of the closet was never meant for homosexuals: it was actually meant for Satan!
The Bible even seems to hint that the Anti-Christ will be of a homosexual nature when he arrives on the scene:
"Neither shall he (the antichrist) regard the God of his fathers, NOR THE DESIRE OF WOMEN, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all." *Daniel 11:37
As we get closer to the closing of this age before Jesus Christ returns to take over the world, expect to see more of Satan and his antics on open display like never before. Like the unveiling of Satanic statues in places like Detroit and Oklahoma City.
Image 4: Baphomet Satanic statue in Detroit (2015)
The designer of those statues very cleverly hid the female breasts partof the statues, so it wouldn't be too obvious or offensive to the unsuspecting public. As if a big statue of Satan wasn't already offensive enough...
The Bible says that Satan knows his time is short.
"Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!" *Rev 12:12
Meaning that any chance he has to delay or prevent the return of Christ, he has to take it now. (He knows he cannot stop it: but his hope is in delaying Jesus' return for as long as possible: thus extending his inevitable torment and punishment)
Transsexualism and bisexuality is promoted as openly as it is today because these are characteristics and trademarks of the Devil's very own nature.
Image 5: Transsexualism promoted openly
His nature is bisexuality, homosexuality, the confusing of the different genders, and mixing the holy with the profane. It's how he defiles people and keeps them from ever being able to connect with God and live a life of sexual cleanliness and holiness.
Just be aware that this tremendous push to normalize homosexual/bisexual and transsexual behavior is more evidence that the appearance of the anti-Christ is near. It's evidence of an old ancient devil-worshiping religion making a comeback in so-called "Christian" America.
I've been telling people for some time now that America's real religion is Individualism: the religion of self-interest above everything and everyone else.
And the religion of individualism is driving American consumerism and the US economy today. This is what Satanism is at its core.
Self-interest is what led the founding fathers of America to violate every Christian principle in the book:
  • by enslaving black people,
  • raping black women;
  • raping and murdering Native women and their children,
  • enslaving Irish immigrants;
  • and later by installing Jim Crow, then modifying Jim Crow today through crafty laws and cunning legislation that still deprives a huge segment of the population of it's God-granted rights.
Image 6: Black Man lynched in Okemah, Oklahoma (1911)
Sidenote: Have you ever noticed that whenever you see old lynching photos of a Black Man his pants have been 'pulled down?' How'd they get that way? And what was the fascination the lynchers had with pulling down a another man's pants? I'm not trying to suggest anything, or maybe I am...but that's another article for another day.
Even the layout for Washington D.C. was designed off of occult symbolism as seen below. Note the Baphomet Star, the Masonic compass, and the so-called 'Star of David': which is NOT a godly symbol at all, but was really an occult symbol used by King Solomon to conjure demons with.
Image 7: Map of Washington D.C. showing Satanic landscape of key locations
Anton Levay, the founder of the Church of Satan, said in so many words that most Americans were really Satanists too: they just hadn't realized it yet.
Image 8: Anton Levay; found of Church of Satan
This is because Satanism is basically a religion of self-pleasure, self-fulfillment and self-indulgence.
It's the forbidden fruit that Satan used to trick Eve and Adam to indulge in. And it's the doorway that led us to this very point in America today, where a man is confused about his own gender and role, and so are many women.
Sadly, far too many churches have equally become Satanist in doctrine and creed. Why else would flaming homosexual men and women feel comfortable sitting in church without changing?
"Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error." *Romans 1:24-27
It's time for Christians to stand up for Jesus Christ like never before.
The strong delusion has already been released. And if you're not careful, you'll get sucked right into the vortex.
Christians say they would never bow the knee to Satan. But the truth is: if you're all about self-love and self-pleasure anyway, you're already following his belief system.
You just need to be honest enough to admit it. And if you're cool enough with living a lie, God is cool enough to let you:
"For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie." *2 Thess. 2:11
"So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices." *Psalm 81:12
If you're someone who is struggling with homosexuality, there is powerful deliverance in store for you. Jesus Christ is a MIGHTY deliverer!
There's no sin so powerful or dirty that His blood can't overpower and cleanse it completely.
"Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool." *Isa 1:18
"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more." *Isa 43:25
Jesus will give you a brand new life, a new heart and help you to develop a new mindset. You can literally become a NEW person through Jesus Christ! All you have to do is sincerely want it, and be willing to leave your former LGBT lifestyle (or whatever sinful lifestyle) behind, in favor of the brand new life that Christ has in store for you.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW creation. The old has passed away; behold, ALL things are now new." *2Cor 5:17
"Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon." *Isa 55:7
I pray that you determine in your heart right now to reach out to Jesus Christ in earnest. You'll be glad that you did.
**** Be sincere about overcoming sin and living an empowered Christian walk. Make the commitment and download your copy of my ebook: Diva, Goddess, Queen: Breaking The Power of Soul Ties, Lust and Sexual Demons.
By clicking the button below and obtaining this powerful ebook, you'll learn how to walk out of sin, overcome your past and walk the kind of empowered life Jesus Christ wants us all to live. You are literally 1 click away from a brand new life. God bless.

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