Duration: 7:04
Posted: Aug 28, 2013
Illuminati Is A Scapegoat – Eminem
this article we will attempt to prove that the Illuminati is a
scapegoat organization who will be blamed for all the evils of the past
couple hundred years. We will attempt to do this by analyzing messages
and lyrics from Eminem. CLICK TO READ MORE!
Satan knows that the Bible warns about an End Times New World Order which will engulf the entire world. How will Satan deceive Christians who are well versed in Bible prophecy? How will he deceive Christians who are watchful and weary of any attempts at creating a New World Order as an ensign of Satan’s Last Days kingdom warned about in the Bible? He will need to create a counterfeit New World Order and do his best to convince the world that it is the same one that is spoken of in Bible prophecy. Eventually Satan, posing as Jesus, will defeat this counterfeit New World Order. He will then create his real one. Many Christians will be deceived because they will believe that the New World Order was already defeated. Read more about this counterfeit New World Order in this article.
Satan knows that the Bible warns about an End Times New World Order which will engulf the entire world. How will Satan deceive Christians who are well versed in Bible prophecy? How will he deceive Christians who are watchful and weary of any attempts at creating a New World Order as an ensign of Satan’s Last Days kingdom warned about in the Bible? He will need to create a counterfeit New World Order and do his best to convince the world that it is the same one that is spoken of in Bible prophecy. Eventually Satan, posing as Jesus, will defeat this counterfeit New World Order. He will then create his real one. Many Christians will be deceived because they will believe that the New World Order was already defeated. Read more about this counterfeit New World Order in this article.
like many other rappers, is an alleged member of the Illuminati, which
itself is one of the scapegoat organizations which will be used to bring
about the counterfeit New World Order. In this article we will be
analyzing Eminem’s link to the Illuminati. We will be be using Eminem’s
messages and lyrics to help provide further evidence that the Illuminati
is a scapegoat.
above photograph depicts Eminem with one hand over his eye which
symbolizes the Illuminati’s all seeing eye. This image is just some of
the contrived pieces of evidence that links Eminem to the Illuminati.
What is the reason behind all of the Illuminati symbolism supposedly
hidden in plain site? What purpose does it serve? Have you ever heard a
good explanation as to why Satan allows the Illuminati to show their
symbolism in music videos? Satan is a super intelligent entity. So
obviously he is well aware, and has been since the beginning, that his
puppets are openly using the symbolism of the organization he’s using to
take control of the world. Letting your symbolism be shown on
television and known throughout the world would seemingly be
counterproductive. Why would Satan want to warn people, especially
Christians, of the New World Order and Illuminati? He doesn’t want to
help people navigate their way through his deceptions. Obviously he
would want to deceive people into accepting this End Times kingdom. So
when celebrities whom have admitted to selling their souls to Satan show
this Illuminati symbolism it should therefore be obvious that Satan is
trying to implicate this scapegoat organization with taking over the
world. Satan wants people to know about the Illuminati because he plans
on laying all of blame onto it.
would we know who the Illuminati was if there was really such an
organization bent on world domination? Common sense would dictate that
this organization would be kept secret. If you were in control of an
organization who was trying to take over the world you would obviously
not want anyone to know about it right? Why then is Satan so anxious to
put Illuminati symbolism in every new popular music video? Why is he so
anxious to get all of the celebrities to state publicly that they sold
their soul to the devil? Obviously the celebrities are going to be
incredibly valuable to Satan’s plan. Satan would undoubtedly want his
celebrity puppets to have clean and wholesome images as his End Times
kingdom will be one that based off of false religious righteousness. He
wouldn’t want them to be associated with any sort of secret society who
is trying to take over the world. He certainly would not want them to be
associated with Satanism in any form. He would not to allow these
celebrities to say that they sold their soul to the devil less
Christians are warned about the evil nature of these celebrities and
they fall out of his grasp. Satan is coming specifically for the
Christians as he has everyone else already deceived.
We discuss the characteristics of the counterfeit vs real New World Orders in this article.
Bible implies several places that Satan or the antichrist will be
impersonating Yeshua (Isaiah 14:14, 2 Corin. 11:3-4, 2 Corin 11:14,
Matthew 24:4). This
impersonation of Yeshua will be so convincing that even God’s elect
would be deceived if it were possible (Matthew 24:24). Therefore the
obvious implication here is that, if even God’s elect who know the cream
of the crop could be deceived if only possible, then therefore Satan
would have to come under the guise of religious righteousness and
rather than a Stalinistic, atheistic, or openly Satanic New World
Order, the real one that Satan will create will be a religious one that
is marketed to appeal and to deceive Christians.
celebrities who are supposed members of the Illuminati, don’t come
under the guise of false sense of religious righteousness. Instead they
are openly Satanic. This is a characteristic of the counterfeit New
World Order. These celebrities obviously are helping Satan plant
evidence that helps condition the public into believing that the
Illuminati and New World Order are evil. Why would Satan have them doing
this? Celebrities control people’s minds. As part of Satan’s great
plan, these celebrities will probably eventually thank the counterfeit
Jesus for rescuing them from Satan’s clutches. This will help persuade
people into believing that the New World Order was already defeated so
they are not suspicious when he starts his real one. Satan doesn’t want
people to find out the truth. He wants to immediately shepherd the
masses into beliefs that don’t threaten him. He wants people to trust
their celebrity overlords to do all of their thinking for them.
Eminem backwards
backwards message regarding his name. This seems to be done in an
effort to associate himself with Aleister Crowley who is a scapegoat.
“(c) Let him. . . listen to phonograph records reversed”
(Crowley, Aleister. Magick: Liber ABA, book four, 1994 Ordo Templi Orientis edition, p. 639)
(Crowley, Aleister. Magick: Liber ABA, book four, 1994 Ordo Templi Orientis edition, p. 639)
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