"Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" - 1 Timothy 4:1Today an onslaught of occult influences are hidden in plain sight and disguised as "entertainment".CLICK TO READ MORE
These "influences" are invited into our homes by the gullible and pleasure seeking, where they find their intended targets; the susceptible and fertile minds of children and young adults that buy into this demonic deception hook, line and sinker; having not the discernment gleaned from scripture to teach and shield them.
These "influences" are invited into our homes by the gullible and pleasure seeking, where they find their intended targets; the susceptible and fertile minds of children and young adults that buy into this demonic deception hook, line and sinker; having not the discernment gleaned from scripture to teach and shield them.
Miley Cyrus, no stranger to pushing the envelope, wants to do something even crazier than usual to her body!
A friend tells In Touch magazine, “She’s leaning toward getting silicone horns implanted in her head. Miley wants them to be very out there, like devil horns!”
And that’s not all! “She’s also interested in a corset piercing,” the friend adds. “It’s when you get holes pierced around your spine and you can actually put ribbons through those holes in a crisscross fashion to mimic the look of a corset.”
For more details, pick up the latest issue of In Touch magazine on newsstands now!
Occult: [uh-kuhlt, ok-uhlt]
of or relating to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies.
beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or understanding; mysterious.
secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated.
hidden from view.
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