Monday 20 April 2015



Adidjah Azim Palmer was born on January 7, 1976 in the Waterford district of Jamaica. The controversial deejay kick started his career at a tender of 12 when he released his firstsingle “Fat women”, during this period he went by the name Adi Banton. He later formed the group Vibes Cartel with some friends, but after the group dissolved, Adi decided to keep the name in a more altered form as he worked on his solo career.
Vybz Kartel traveled quickly up the ladder of fame as he spit lyrics ranging from raunchy and hard core to hard-hitting gun tunes.However, Vybz Kartel’s influence began to be more evident during the fued between himself and Movado which has left an indelible mark on the minds of ALL Jamaicans.
Many persons are not aware of the influence Kartel had on the Jamaican government even as he did songs which lashed out against the injustice. The Jamaican Government could not afford for Vybz Kartel to continue on a free roam as it was bad for their business. It is a known fact that their are Jamaicans who dub themselves ‘die-hearted labourites’ or ‘die-hearted pnp’ and that these two parties have been the most spoken about topic by Jamaicans over the years, especially around election time. These two bodies were so influential that they lead Jamaica into a frenzy or criminal activities from murder, to scams and robberies so you see the problem that it caused for them when Vybz Kartel got the entire Jamaica to stop saying PNP and JLP and start saying Gully and Gaza.
Vybz Kartel was accused of being the trigger man behind over 100 unsolved murders that took place in Jamaica over the years; crimes that, surprisingly, were not brought up against him before and that have no evidence at all to support the claims. These accusations were made and strongly backed by, the commissioner of police, Owen Ellington who also mentioned that they (the JCF) have been telling the country this for along time. He also went on to say that Vybz Kartel lead a gang which was responsible for these murders but every time they moved against this gang, they were condemned and accused of being malicious. Had any of this been true, why would the Commissioner of Police not have support of the Jamaican government?
If you remember correctly, Ellington retired suddenly from his post on the premise that he “needed to separate himself from the leadership and management of the Force” Whatdoes that even mean coming from the man who was Commissioner of Police? No matter, it was later revealed that Ellington himself was forced to resign (that’s why it came so suddenly)because news came to light that he was in connection with widely known criminal entities in Jamaica, individuals and gangs alike.
The Gaza/Gully fued was so influential that a clause was created in the Anti-gun legislation act. Clause 15 of the act stated that “a person shall not use a common name or identifying sign, symbol, tattoo or other physical marking, colour or style of dress or graffiti or produce, record or perform songs to promote or facilitate the criminal activity of a criminal organization”. The clause was subsequently removed and was announced by former Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange and Senior Superintendent Steve McGregor at a panel discussion held at the UWI. The clause was created as it was said the fued segregated Dancehall fans and facilitated the rise of gangs in local schools.
‘Babsy’ Grange is a member of the Jamaica Labour Party and Vybz Kartel is a known PNP affiliate so why would she ‘back’ him? Simple, because it is in opposition to what the ruling government wants.
Vybz Kartel did songs that were opening the eyes of many a Jamaican citizen against the unjust hand that was being dealt to us by or so called leaders. His song “Emergency” is a great example, ‘dem change dem face like Nicholas Cage, true election a come dem temporary re-arrange, mi rate Bruce mi rate pj but dem waa we dead off like dog weh have mange. MI born as a suffera wen it ago change? Mi love portia Simpson mi love Babsy grange, but if dem nuh tun a new page, we naa wear no green or red agen..we a wear beige.Vybz Kartel had enough influence for them to create and implement a clause to govern his lyrics about crime, but what were they going to do to stop him from making songs like these? The only way they saw out was to imprison him with the hopes that his voice would be locked up too.
The government already had vybz Kartel’s entire case planned from the start to the finish but what they hadn’t anticipated was that proof that the ‘evidence’ was tampered with would come to light. The jury was already picked for the substantial amount of votes needed to reach a guilty verdict and that’s why they didn’t have to take all the time specified to do their deliberation. The one member of the jury who gave a not-guilty verdict is facing charges of trying to bribe other members of the jury; the jury which contained JDF members and wives of JDF members, a fact that was not revealed until this year.
After Kartel’s sentence, the idea was that he would be silenced once and for all but when that was not the case, the government took to kicking a man while he is down.
After Kartel’s sentence, when the government saw that he still had a strong voice and influence on the society, the proceeded to take different routes to break his chain offollowers. Firstly, on April 13, 2014 the Jamaica Observer published an article stating that the convicted entertainer has told the police the whereabouts of several wanted men in Portmore and also provided them with information which led to the recovery of 17 illegal firearms. This, of course, was all false information released by the JCF claiming he did it in an effort to acquire his freedom or a vastly reduced sentence. When this didn’t work they, secondly, went on to leak voice notes and videos claiming that it was in these that the entertainer planned most of his murders, even that of Clive “lizard” Williams. This effort too, fell on stoney grounds. Fans weren’t having any of it. Their next strategy was somewhat farfetched as there is no way that they really expected it to work, but nonetheless they tried. A few months into his sentence, pictures were released claiming to be Vybz Kartel, performing what appeared to be anal sex (from what was seen in thepicture) and it was being said that the “get gyal easy” deejay was gay. Like I said, quite farfetched. When it dawned on them that none of this was working it was then that he was left alone for a while, for a while.
A short time later, they tried to tarnish his image again, painting him as an informer, as they claimed he gave them evidence against his fellow convict, and friend, Shawn Storm.
In March 2009, Ninja Man was arrested and charged in connection with the murder of Ricardo Johnson. He was granted bail 3 years later in the sum of $2,000,000 and was scheduled to appear in court July 15, 2012. An amount of 58 jurors were needed for the start of the trial but only 15 showed up, which lead to the trial being rescheduled for this month April 2015.
Recapping a little bit more, if justice is what is being ‘served’, what happened to the X-6driver who killed a student in cold blood and why aren’t any news being released about him? 17-year-old Khajeel Mais was killed in cold blood as a taxi he was driving in accidentally ran in to the back of Patrick Powell’s posh BMW X-6 vehicle. Powell opened fire onto the taxi, killing the student. He had fled from the island for a short while after the incident. He was eventually charged with shooting with intent, illegal possession of firearm, illegal possession of ammunition, and failure to provide firearm for inspection. In 2013 his trial was postponed until February 24, 2014 and in 2014 the trial was rescheduled for March 20 of this year. The time has since passed and there hasn’t been any word of his sentence and it has almost been 4 years. This is no surprise, however, as it took the police two (2) years to bring charges against 21 yo Jahnai Powell, son of the X6 Killer, for crippling a man in 2009.
It has been a year since Vybz Kartel was sentenced, but close to this anniversary there was an attempt on his life. The plot was uncovered by the Correctional Service Department and included an ancillary staff member and an inmate. The ancillary staff member said she was instructed to pick up bottles of lotion and three ratchet knives, these bottles contained poison that was said to be able to penetrate the skin. There are higher forces at work here, higher than an ancillary staff member and an inmate. Why are they so desperate to have Kartel removed?

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